Mindful Parenting Six-Week Class Spring 2020
6 Week Mindful Parenting Class at USN ($90 for 6 week class)
Mondays from 8:15 to 9:45 a.m. beginning March 30th
Facilitated by Helen Tarleton and Mary Agee
This popular class is open to parents, grandparents and caregivers in the Nashville community. Whether your child is small or close to heading out into the world, we have found deep value in creating a mindful parenting community through this six week format. There is a weekly opportunity to gather on Wednesday mornings with other parents at USN once you've completed the class. Join us! Register here
Please email Mary Agee at mindfulness@email.usn.org with questions.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic we have taken a pause with all live events. May you and your families stay safe and healthy. Subscribe to our mailing list to hear about news and upcoming events.

Three week Mindful Parenting Series Spring 2020
Wednesdays 6 to 8 p.m. starting April 1st
($125 for the full three week series)
Facilitators Paloma Cain* and Mary Agee
This slightly different offering is in response to requests for an evening option. Six evenings sounded like too much to take on, and we know how powerful a group experience can be so we are excited to offer this series.
Raising children comes with unique challenges and joys. Together we’ll explore how it feels to approach these experiences through a mindful lens, with open-hearted curiosity and compassion towards our children and ourselves. While mindfulness isn’t a cure-all, most people find that with regular practice they become more present in their lives and more consistently able to find some peace and well-being amidst the chaos that can be modern family life. Come join us! Register here
Questions or concerns, please email Mary Agee at mindfulness@email.usn.org
*Paloma Cain, MA, is an authorized meditation teacher whose decades of study and practice have led to a playfulness in her approach. She currently leads professional trainings at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Vanderbilt and teaches classes and retreats locally in Nashville, including Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Mindful Parenting. She is a senior teacher at InsightLA and serves on their teacher’s council and previously trained staff at Los Angeles area VA hospitals and at UCLA. Her work brings together her studies in traditional meditation, contemporary clinical psychology, yoga and movement practices, and the arts. Parenting and family life are her primary inspirations in this work.